Saturday, March 28, 2015


Hello ECI classes!

In case you don't know who you are...I see you twice a week!

We finished the week identifying topic sentences in other paragraphs and preparing topic sentences of our own.

Be ready next week to begin with Listening and Speaking Unit 2 on colors. "How can colors be useful?"

I also asked you to write a brief paragraph on a topic of your choice. You need to write a topic sentence with a controlling idea and 3 ways you would support that sentence.

Have a great weekend!

Homework for next week: 

paragraph on a topic of your choice.

ECG Recap-Week of March 23

Hello ECG classes!

In case you don't know who you are...I see you once a week!

We finished unit 1 this week. This ends our discussion on names until we start reviewing for mid-term exams. We then started unit 2 on jobs.

Be ready next week to talk about jobs that you have had, have, or want to have. Take a minute to preview unit 2 to familiarize yourself with the vocabulary and questions.

I also asked you to do some grammar work in the book (see below).

Have a great weekend!

Homework for next week: 

Unit 1
prefixes that mean not
pages 12-13, exercises A and B

Simple Present practice
page 15, exercise A
page 16, exercise B
page 17, exercise A

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

ECI- Class Recap 3/25

Great to see you today ECI!

Don't forget that your homework is: 

Reading and Writing
Identify the Main Idea pages 9-10.
Reading 2 pages 12-13. Main Ideas and Details.

Lastly, write a topic sentence using this picture. Please think before you write. Include a main idea and a controlling idea. 

Good luck!

Do you hear the people sing? my blog title is a reference to Les Miserables...which was the French Revolution...not the American Revolution. But can you still feel the anger boiling up within the colonists as we march toward the American Revolution?

Last class we talked about some of the major events that led up to the American Revolution. During class you did some research and thought about:

1. Why did the event happen?
2. What happened during this event?
3. What happened as a result of this event?

In history, almost everything happens for a reason and leaves in it wake the recipe for another event. We as historians have to learn how to connect these dots.

Please don't forget to send me your main bullet points (main ideas and details) to me by Thursday. Be prepared to talk about your event in class on Friday to help us understand why those events are significant and how they led the colonists into war with Britain.

See you Friday!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Participation and Homework

Hello ECI classes!

I sure enjoyed my first two weeks with you.  I am looking forward to more time speaking English and learning more about you. I hope that you come to class prepared and ready to try and communicate only in English.

As you know, you have options on what you can do for homework. See the syllabus.

Read the syllabus for homework ideas.

You should be doing 2 assignments per week to fulfill your homework and participation obligation. You can only receive credit for 2 assignments per week. Sometimes, I assign mandatory homework assignments, but mostly you are responsible for your homework choices.  

So far, I haven't received much. Only about four students have logged onto and completed an assignment. However, you did complete a mandatory assignment in the form of 10 sentences turned in via Google Drive. 

Remember, doing homework is your choice. However, if you choose not to do any assignments your grade will suffer.

I can see when you do an exercise and when you don't. ㅠㅠ

In short? Start participating inside AND OUTSIDE of my classroom. Your grade depends on it! :)

Friday, March 13, 2015

Assignments, Writing and Class Discussion

Hello Class!

First, let me compliment you for an excellent class today. It is amazing that you all can listen, read and speak so eloquently in a second language. I feel lucky to have such engaged and smart students.

Second, I have posted today's Prezi presentation to the right under Classroom Presentations. You can see what exactly I was talking about at your own pace.

Lastly, I am putting reading and writing assignments on:

So you can find it on the university site or my blog. 

Have a great weekend!

Essay Outline: Was Columbus a Hero or Villain?
Reading: Early Colonies(class handout) OR Colonial Settlement (online) that deals with the 1500s and 1600s in America. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Hello History Class!

Thanks again for another wonderful class with thoughtful conversation and your undivided attention. I hope that my lecture was informative and interesting. Remember, on Friday, I will ask you to speak more than I did on Tuesday. We will discuss our thoughts on the readings we have done so far and talk about our thoughts on Columbus and the New World.

As you know, on the right side of my blog you can see several links for you. Here you can see readings, my presentations, other websites I think are good and a spot called "Misc. History Assignments." I will put .pdfs here that we might use in class. Now you can see a .pdf about your thoughts on Columbus. You can use this to help you prepare for class on Friday. We will discuss this question and start writing an essay about our personal thoughts on the question.

One thing I want you to think about as we look at America's early history is to try to see how it plays out from all perspectives. What were the Indians thinking and feeling at this time? Why did they respond to the Europeans as they did? Also, what were the Europeans thinking and feeling at this time? Why did they respond to the New World and its Natives as they did? It is important to think about historical events from all perspectives: the one who writes about it and the one who lived through it but may not have had the opportunity to write about it.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I will try to post here when there is relevant information for you about class!

ECI- Google Drive

Dear ECI classes! 

You should have received an e-mail from me that looks like this: 

When you click on it you see this: 

When you click on your name and student number (in blue) it will take you to your file. Here is where you will write you assignments from now on. 

Your first assignment. 10 sentences with so, and, but will be written in Writing Assignment #1. 

If you haven't received an e-mail from me inviting you to edit this document. Send me your

Student Number
Class Number


Like I said, having a account will make this easier, but I can send you your document to other e-mail accounts if necessary.

Today we will start unit 1 in Listening and Speaking about Fashion Trends!

See you today!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Hello ECG!

Hello to my ECG classes! It was very nice to meet you on Tuesday at 12 and 3, Wednesday at 4:30 and Thursday at 3:00. (Class codes: 1578, 1727, 1455, 2609) I will see you again next week at the same time as before.

Three things to remember.

1. Get books. 

They look like this.

2. Connect on Facebook

Though it is not required, please consider connecting with me on Facebook. I post new blogs and important reminders there. It is also easy to contact me there.

3. Be prepared

Lastly, always be prepared for my class. Be prepared to speak in English, study hard and have fun. I enjoy having a free classroom, but I also expect my students to show respect for their co-students and their teacher. That means trying your best in every class and every activity. Sleeping, being on your phone, showing up without your book is absolutely unacceptable.

We can work hard and play hard and have fun doing it! See you later!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Columbus Arrives

Hello History Students!

I was very impressed with your contributions to class today! Great job! Let's continue having good discussions during our lecture time.

Remember to read Columbus's letter about the New World. That will be our starting point on Tuesday.

Also check this out!

We can learn a lot from art if we take a moment to analyze it. Look at this famous painting of Christopher Columbus arriving in the New World. What can we learn from it?

American neoclassicist painter John Vanderlyn (1775–1852) was commissioned by Congress in June 1836 to paint the Landing of Columbus for the Capitol Rotunda.

Think about these questions.

What does this painting tell you about the arrival of Columbus? Look at the details. What are the men holding? How are they standing? What are they looking at? What do you see in the background and foreground?

It is a painting done almost 350 years after Columbus landed in the New World, but it does say a lot about the period and how people in the 1830s might have remembered Columbus.

Take a look. What do you see?

For more information follow this link!

Hello ECI!

Hello to my ECI classes! It was very nice to meet you on Wednesday at 1:30PM and 3:00PM. I will see you again today(Friday) at the same time.

Three things to remember.

1. Get books. 

They look like this.

2. Get GMAIL

Though it is not required, please consider getting a gmail account to make our writing assignments run smoothly. You are children of the internet and computer age. I will not accept the excuse that you cannot figure it out! It is possible to exchange papers using your non-gmail account, but having a gmail account will make it much easier for you. Here is a brief explanation of Google Drive. I will explain more in class.

3. Be prepared

Lastly, always be prepared for my class. Be prepared to speak in English, study hard and have fun. I enjoy having a free classroom, but I also expect my students to show respect for their co-students and their teacher. That means trying your best in every class and every activity. Sleeping, being on your phone, showing up without your book is absolutely unacceptable.

We can work hard and play hard and have fun doing it! See you later!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

North American History: Day 1

Hello class! Welcome to Spring 2015!

We are focusing on American history from the beginning until the late 1800s. There are many things to cover during that time period. We must do our best in order to cover the most important events and themes,

Please come to class having done the reading I assigned in the previous class and be ready to discuss it, ask questions about it, and think about it.

You can access our online readings with links to the right of this blog.

For Friday read "America Before Columbus and the Problem Of History," from Richard Middleton and Anne Lombard, Colonial America: A History to 1763.

There are lots of resources online that can help you understand the material we are covering. Please feel free to do your own search. We will use my reading assignments as a reference point.

I will also post my presentations on the right side of the blog for your convenience.

See you Friday!