Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Dead Poet's Society Recap

I appreciated all of your discussion yesterday about Dead Poet's Society. I am especially impressed by all of your willingness to speak English all of the time. That is really amazing and I appreciate your challenging yourself to speak only in English when in my classroom. Great job!
Roger Ebert wanted to "throw up," but I wanted to cry. I'm a sucker for the dramatic.
Yesterday we talked a lot about Welton Academy, Mr. Keating and our feelings on the movie.

We found that there were many similarities between Welton Academy and Korean schools. Both have a strict atmosphere and place a lot of pressure on their students.

Most of us also really like Mr. Keating for his passion, progressive thinking and his compassion.

A lot of us really liked the movie because it was interesting and inspirational.

Interestingly, we read a movie review that felt the opposite. Roger Ebert said he was "so moved, I wanted to throw up." And "the story is also old stuff, recycled.." He found Dead Poet's Society to be unoriginal and disingenuous.

That is the beauty of movies. You might love it, someone else might hate it. We're all entitled to our opinions!

Thanks for joining in the conversation.

Remember: We will discuss Little Miss Sunshine in the next class at 1PM on Monday! ;)


  1. hi. i'm seongjeong. i thought like that, if i'm in the position of Neil, can i persuade my father who is really like Neil's father. i think it would be very hard and painful process.
    if you have any special way to persuade someone?
    today, when i attended another english class, i wanted to say that the movie is not showing any more in the theater. but i couldn't find out suitable expression.
    i'm still not sure if above expression is right or not...
    so, can you tell me some useful expression about movie and theater?
    i like your class~!! i've written this same comment for 3 times....because of error..
    i hope it publish this time!!

    1. Hey Seongjeong!
      I think the only way to persuade someone is to show them how much better our lives are with that thing (for Neil that thing was acting) in it. I also think it is helpful to try to have a conversation about it. Maybe Neil could have talked to his Dad, or written a letter and told him his true feelings. I don't know. Sometimes it is hard if that person doesn't want to listen toyou.

      You are right, Dead Poet's Society is not showing in the theater anymore. It is old and only available on DVD or download. A movie can be in production (not in the theaters yet, but coming), in the theater (not on DVD yet) or available to rent or buy (after the theater). Films a little older are called "classics." Some people might call Dead Poet's Society a classic, some might not.

      Thanks for the comment!!
