Monday, April 27, 2015

History Research Paper

Hello History Students!

So our next big assignment will be picking a topic for a research paper that will be due at the end of the semester. I want you to pick a topic that we will cover in the second part of our class.

Research Paper Due Dates:
*Friday, May 1st: topic 
*Friday, May 8: proposal.
*Friday, May 15: first and second page
*Friday, May 22: third and fourth page
*Friday May 29: fifth and sixth page
*Friday June 12: Completed Paper.

We will be covering the time period between 1780-1900. On our syllabus you will see that we will be covering these topics:

The Constitution 
Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion
Native Americans
Civil War
Reconstruction to Redemption
American Society at the End of the 19th Century

Here are some more ideas. 

Shay's Rebellion (1786)
George Washington
The Bill of Rights (1791)
Whiskey Rebellion (1794)
John Adams
XYZ Affair ((1797)
Louisiana Purchase (1803)
Thomas Jefferson
Lewis and Clark (1804)
Congressional ban on the slave trade (1808)
War of 1812
Andrew Jackson
Nat Turner 
Panic of 1837
Joseph Smith and the Mormons
Mexican American War (1846-1848)
Dred Scott (1857)
Harper's Ferry
Ku Klux Klan
Spanish American War

In your research proposal you will need to have a "research problem." Meaning you need to take one of the topics and attempt to answer a question about it. For example, "Was Columbus a hero or a villain?" Or "What does Mormonism say about America before the Civil War?" Or "Was George Washington a great president?" Once you have a topic and a problem, start working on your proposal. See below:

Research Proposal

1. Title: It should be concise and descriptive. 
2. Introduction: The main purpose of the introduction is to provide the necessary background or context for your research problem. In short, try to explain your research question broadly but also explain why it is important.
3. Development: While the Introduction generally identifies the research topic, the Development section attempts to explain to the reader what is important about the topic, why it should merit research, and how you intend to go about the research process.

  1. State the research problem and more fully explain the purpose of the study. 
  2. Present the rationale of your proposed study and clearly indicate why it is worth doing. 
  3. Describe the major issues or problems to be addressed by your research. 
  4. Explain how you plan to go about conducting your research. Clearly identify the primary sources you intend to use and explain how they will contribute to the analysis of your topic. 
4. Conclusion: It is important to conclude your proposal with a paragraph reiterating the importance or significance of your proposal. This paragraph should emphasize how your project’s results might contribute to previous historical work in the field or area you are studying.

Good luck!

Let me know if you have any questions. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

ECG Midterm Exam Times

ECG! Here is a reminder of your speaking times.

Study your questions and be ready to have a conversation with your partner!


Wednesday, April 22 Room 318
1:30-Jin Wook-Seong Woon
1:40-Jae Hun-Chan Young
1:50-Ho Jung-Dong Young
2:00-Kwan Woo-Woo Seok
2:10-Su Cheol-June Young
2:20-Ji Soo-Mu Jin
2:30-Eun Hye-Ji Won
2:40-Do Kyun-Chang Seok-Jae Won
2:50-Dae Hyeon-Gang Seok
3:00-Jong Woo-Byeong Cheol
3:10-Mi Jin-Chae Young 


Thursday, April 23-Room 320
11:10- Yea Ji-Ji Hyun
11:20 Won Ho-So Yeon
11:30-Hyun Min-Sae Ho
11:40-Do Yeon- Dan Hee
11:50-Min Ho- Jong Hyuk
12:00-Jae Keun-Mi Hye
12:10-Gyeong Ju-Ji Soo
12:20-Ha Rang-Seung Jae
12:30-Soo Hyeon-Yea Jin
12:40-Hyo Duck-Hyun Wook
12:50- Eun Yoo-Jang

Thursday-April 23, Room 320
12:50- Tae Geun-Sung Hyun-Jong Ho
1:00-Ga Eun-In Gyeong
1:10-Min Jeong-Hae Jeong
1:20-Hae Ju-Yu Na
1:30-Nam Gyeong-Hyun Jeong
1:40-Ji Soo-Yea Rin
1:50-Ji Hyeon-In Sook
2:00- Jin Young-Da Bin
2:10-Dae Hoon-Jae Young
2:20-Seungkee-Sun Hae     


Friday April 24th- Room 320
11:00-Dong Hoon-Do Hon
11:10-Yu Jeong-Su Bin
11:20-Jong Won-Jeung Ho
11:30- Ho Jung-Ji Hye
11:40-Seung Min-Myeong Cheol

2:20-Kang Tae-Ji Hwan
2:30-Min Joon-In Mo
2:40-Ye Jin-So Ui
2:50- Seung Yeon-Chang Hwan
3:00-Woo Jae-Sang Dong
3:10 Yong Hee-Soo Min
3:20-Yu Jin-Sang Jin   

ECI Midterm Exam Times

Hello ECI! Just a reminder. Here are your exam times.

Study your questions and be ready to have a conversation with your partner!


Thursday, April 23-Room 320
8:30-Seong Bin-Byeong Joon
8:40-Su Rin-Myeong Seok-So Yeon
8:50-In Hwan-Gi Tae
9:00-Ji Ho-June Ho
9:10-Seong Min-Tae Hoon
9:20-Hyun Soo-Hye In
9:30-So Yeon-Ji Hye
9:40-Su Young-Chae Eun
9:50-Young Chan-Gi Hyeon
10:00-Min Woo-Si Eun


Friday, April 24 Room 320
3:30- Kyoung Jin-Jae Won
3:40- Shin Ae- Hae Won
3:50-Myeong Ju-Jin Hong
4:00-Hae Yoon-Soo Jin
4:10-Ji Won Do Yeon (Psychology)
4:20- Do Hee-Ho Sang
4:30-Hyun Wook-Chae Rin
4:40- Hyun Han- Dae Wan
4:50-Joon Young- Ha Eun
5:00-Do Yeon (French) -Sae Mi

Friday, April 17, 2015

Answering the Short Answer Questions

Hello class!

Just to write down some of the things we discussed in class.

For midterm exam you should focus on the content and organization of your answer. This is what I suggested:

Write 3 paragraphs looking at the before, during and after effects of the event in question. This is just a suggestion.

For example, we looked at the
1. background of the Declaration of Independence
2. the writing of the Declaration
3. the after effects of the document

This is only a suggestion!

Perhaps you would prefer to write about (in detail) 3 of the main issues of the event in question.

But you could also focus on 3 reasons for the document
1. to form an independent government
2. to dissolve the relationship with Britain
3. to state to the King the colonies intentions

However you decide to organize your essay, be sure that you include details about the events you write about. Explain some of the events as if the reader has little idea of what you are talking about. The more you can say, the more details you can provide and the more you can show me your understanding of the event, the better.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Here are some suggestions from this webpage for attacking the short answer question.

  1. Jot down a quick answer for every part of the question (A, B, and C) directly in your test booklet.
  2. Gather more support than you think you need. You need to know general details and major highlights of the topics presented as well as basic cause and effect. You do NOT need to know obscure facts.
  3. Think about how each part of the question and your examples fit together. This will help you formulate a brief topic sentence to make sure that your answer is structured and succinctly communicates your ideas.
  4. Put it all together into a direct, well-supported short answer. Resist the urge to list all of the examples you recall. Make sure your support proves your point, that it all relates clearly, and that you have directly answered all parts of the question.

Monday, April 13, 2015

North American History Recap 4/6

Hello class!

Last week's class
Last week we watched Episode 2 of the John Adams mini-series called "Independence." I think this movie did an excellent job of capturing the mood of many of the Founding Fathers regarding whether or not to declare independence from Great Britain. I hope you enjoyed it.

I think John Adams also serves as a reminder that history is much more complex than we sometimes make it out to be. America declared its independence and fought in the Revolutionary War, but not everyone agreed it was the right thing to do and many people's lives did not change after the War. However, it remains a significant event because of the events that led to it and how it changed and shaped, and continues to shape, America's development.

I am finishing your essays today and we have lots to talk about regarding historical writing. I intentionally let you write without much instruction so I could see what we need to work on most. I can say that we all need to work on:

1. Using our own words.
2. Citations.
3. Staying on topic.
4. Supporting claims with evidence.

We will talk more about his in class this week and hopefully our next paper will be better. Many of you have great ideas and clearly made an effort in this assignment.

Tuesday and Friday
Remember to look over the handout on the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War that I gave you on Friday. We will discuss that, discuss your papers and review this week. We will take a quick glance at the Constitution and Review for our exam.

I hope you had a great weekend!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

North American History Recap 3/31

Hello class!

I look forward to hearing your thoughts, questions and discussion on American slavery tomorrow (Friday, April 3). It is an incredibly ugly time in American history that deserves our attention, reflection, discussion and understanding. Please remember to look over the documents and questions I gave you on Tuesday and be ready to discuss your findings. Lets do our best to understand this very "peculiar institution."

This is the video we watched in class. 

I also asked you to think about these questions:

1. Why do you think American slavery last so long?

2. How do you think white colonists/Americans justified the institution of slavery?

3. How do you think slaves survived or maintained an identity under slavery?

I am looking over your essays today and this weekend. I hope to have some good feedback for you next week so we can start on another essay before midterm exams.

See you tomorrow!